How to get trace logs for Self-Profiling mode

If you start profiling session by attaching via SelfAttach class located in the JetBrains.Profiler.Windows.SelfApi.dll library, the following steps help you to collect trace logs.

1. Clear %temp%\JetLogs folder.

2. Put attached LogConfiguration.xml file to the %localappdata%\JetBrains\ExternalLauncherProfiler\v[N] folder.

3. Start your application, perform Attach method. JetBrainsLogs.ExternalLauncherProfiler.<Timestamp>.log file is created in %temp%\JetLogs folder.

4. Perform the steps that lead to issue.

5. Detach profiler if it's possible.

6. Look for the logs in %temp%\JetLogs folder.

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