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Olga Diakonova
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Last activity
October 07, 2020 13:45
Member since
October 14, 2019 08:58
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Comments (23)
Olga Diakonova
October 07, 2020 13:45
Hello, could you please collect the logs using the following instruction and attach them with a new issue on our bug tracker so we could take a closer look at it? Thank you in advance!
dotCover discussions
Coverage does not finish and hangs at a certain number of tests
0 votes
Olga Diakonova
October 07, 2020 13:43
Hello Dong, there is a similar open issue on our tracker: DCVR-10080. We would appreciate it if you would upvote in order to bring increased awareness to the issue and watch for monitoring the prog...
dotCover discussions
Exception when calling the command "dotcover send /Command=GetSnapshotAndKillChildren"
0 votes
Olga Diakonova
October 07, 2020 13:36
Hello, it is not supported yet, there is an open request on our tracker: DCVR-10130. We would appreciate it if you would upvote in order to demonstrate additional interest. Thank you in advance!
dotCover discussions
Profile C#.Net code on Azure Service Fabric
0 votes
Olga Diakonova
August 13, 2020 13:39
Hello, does it happen only if you run code coverage or if you run just tests as well? Could please collect the whole log using the following instruction and upload it with a new issue on our public...
dotCover discussions
Getting "Test Inconclusive" error. Test not executing.
0 votes
Olga Diakonova
August 13, 2020 13:34
Hello, please collect the whole log using the following instruction and upload it with a new dotCover issue on our public bug tracker. Thank you in advance!
dotCover discussions
Coverage session finished with errors: Unknown standart IL prefix
0 votes
Olga Diakonova
April 13, 2020 10:21
Hello, Could you please update dotCover to the latest available version(would be perfect to update to 20 EAP8) and if the issue persists, then please collect the logs with Verbose log level using t...
dotCover discussions
NUnit with dotcover is very slow
0 votes
Olga Diakonova
April 13, 2020 07:04
Hello, Please check the most common reasons for zero coverage data in the following article. As for MSFakes, dotCover supports it since version 19.3, so please make sure you are using the most rece...
dotCover discussions
What does this mean "There is no actual code coverage for tests"
0 votes
Olga Diakonova
February 10, 2020 10:03
To merge the snapshots you should run dotcover merge, without dotnet like it is described here. There are not such parameters you are trying to use, the command dotnet merge does not exist.
dotCover discussions
Merging coverage output with the NuGET dotCover console runner
0 votes
Olga Diakonova
January 31, 2020 12:55
Hello,When you use a command like dotnet dotcover test like it is mentioned on the page you linked then the command is parsed like dotnet test and executed under dotcover. Hence when you write dotn...
dotCover discussions
Merging coverage output with the NuGET dotCover console runner
0 votes
Olga Diakonova
January 31, 2020 09:29
The question is handled in the corresponding issue on our bug tracker: DCVR-9897. The reason for the issue is incompatibility between PDB and IL code.
dotCover discussions
Code Coverage fails with error 'Jump to invalid address'
0 votes