How to get dotCover logs

In some cases, to troubleshoot your issue, the dotCover support team may ask you to provide dotCover log files. The procedure of taking logs differs depending on the way you run dotCover: in Visual Studio, standalone, or using the console runner. By default, log files are saved to the %Temp%\JetLogs folder.

Choose article section corresponding to your environment:

  1. dotCover in Visual Studio
  2. dotCover in Rider
  3. dotCover standalone
  4. dotCover console runner
  5. dotCover dotnet global tool
  6. dotCover console runner in JetBrains TeamCity

dotCover in Visual Studio

To take dotCover logs

  1. Close any open Visual Studio instances with integrated dotCover
  2. Delete the %Temp%\JetLogs folder if it exists.
  3. Start Visual Studio with the following command line argument:
    /ReSharper.LogLevel Trace
  4. Reproduce the issue.
  5. Close the Visual Studio
  6. Archive the folder %Temp%\JetLogs and share it.

To take dotCover core logs

  1. Close any open Visual Studio instances with integrated dotCover
  2. Delete the %Temp%\JetLogs folder if it exists.
  3. Start Visual Studio with the following command line argument:
    /ReSharper.LogLevel Trace
  4. Press Ctrl+Shift+Alt, and while holding it, run coverage analysis to reproduce the issue.
  5. The Coverage Configuration window will be opened.
  6. In the Coverage Configuration window, press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F11 to enable expert options.
  7. Click the Expert options button.
  8. Check Enable logs and insert the Log Mask (in case it was provided by the dotCover support team).
  9. Click Save.
  10. Click Run to run coverage analysis and reproduce the issue.
  11. Close the Visual Studio
  12. Archive the folder %Temp%\JetLogs and share it.


dotCover in Rider

To take dotCover logs

  1. Navigate to Help | Diagnostic tools | Choose Trace Scenarios and enable scenarios for DotCover and DotCoverExternalProcess;

  2. Restart Rider;
  3. Reproduce the issue;

  4. Disable Trace scenarios at Help | Diagnostic tools | Choose Trace Scenarios;
  5. Collect the full log bundle via Help | Collect logs and send the resulting archive.

To take dotCover core logs

  1. Start Rider in Internal mode
  2. Go to File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | dotCover
  3. Specify profiler core log masks provided to you in Core: line.
  4. Reproduce the issue;
  5. Remove logs mask at File | Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | dotCover | Core;
  6. Collect all Rider logs using Help | Collect Logs menu and send the resulting archive.


dotCover standalone

To take dotCover logs

  1. Delete the %Temp%\JetLogs folder if it exists.
  2. Launch dotCover standalone with the following command line arguments:
  3. Reproduce the issue.
  4. Close the dotCover.
  5. Archive the folder %Temp%\JetLogs and share it.

To take dotCover core logs

  1. Delete the %Temp%\JetLogs folder if it exists.
  2. Start dotCover standalone.
  3. Run coverage analysis.
  4. The Coverage Configuration window will be opened.
  5. In the Coverage Configuration window, press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F11 to enable expert options.
  6. Check Enable logs (do not check any settings in the Log flags section unless you were provided with flags).
  7. To enable PDB Server logs, scroll down and check Enable PDB Server logs
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click Start.
  10. Reproduce the issue.

Log files will be saved to the %Temp%\JetLogs folder under auto-generated names. Take an archive of the whole folder and share it.


dotCover console runner

To take dotCover logs

  1. Add the following command line arguments:
    /LogLevel=Verbose /LogFile=C:\log\dotcover_log.txt
  2. Reproduce the issue.

To take dotCover core logs

  1. Start dotCover console runner with the additional command line arguments:
     /CoreLogMask={value} /PdbServerLogMask={value} /LogLevel=Trace /LogFile=C:\log\dotcover_log.txt
  2. Reproduce the issue.


dotCover dotnet global tool

To take dotCover logs

  1. Start dotCover console runner with the following command line arguments:
    --dcLogLevel=Verbose --dcLogFile=C:\Temp\dotcover_log.txt 
  2. Reproduce the issue.

To take dotCover core logs

  1. Start dotCover console runner with the additional command line arguments:
     --dcCoreLogMask={value} --dcPdbServerLogMask={value} --dcLogLevel=Trace --dcLogFile=C:\log\dotcover_log.txt
  2. Reproduce the issue.

dotCover console runner in JetBrains TeamCity

To take dotCover logs (TeamCity doc)

  1. Open build configuration settings in TeamCity.
  2.  Add a build configuration parameter with name teamcity.agent.dotCover.log and value
  3. (Optional) If more verbose or core dotCover logs are required, go to Build Steps, edit the settings of the .NET tests step, find the Additional arguments box under the .NET Coverage section, and add the arguments provided by the support team. For example, --LogLevel=Traceor --CoreLogMask=MetaDataGt;InstrumentationGt;PdbGt
  4. Go to build configuration settings | General Settings | Artifact paths, and add this line: => .teamcity/.NETCoverage/
  5. Save the settings and run the build.
  6. On the build results page, go to the Artifacts tab | Show hidden artifacts and find the file .teamcity/.NETCoverage/

To take the log of dotCover actions performed on the TeamCity side (TeamCity doc)

  1. Go to the Build Results page | Build Log tab
  2. Click Download Log, select Full log or ZIP.
4 out of 9 found this helpful
Permanently deleted user

In the case of internal TeamCity DotCover, you have to add the "ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES" read access rights to the TeamCity installation folder <b><a href=""></a></b>. If using an external DotCover, add the rights there.


Permanently deleted user

In the case of internal TeamCity DotCover, you have to add the "ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES" read access rights to the TeamCity installation folder If using an external DotCover, add the rights there


Does this work with VS2013?

I tried

devenv /dotCover.LogFile ConsoleApplication3.sln

...and got:

Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Version 12.0.30501.0.

Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved.

Invalid Command Line. Unknown Switch : dotCover.LogFile.




...also tried 


"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" bilby.sln /dotCover.LogFile "C:\log.txt"


...with same error

Permanently deleted user

Hello Micky,

Please try the following command line: devenv.exe /ReSharper.LogFile

Starting with version 3.0, you need to specify another command line argument. This article will be updated.

Permanently deleted user

dotCover console runner in JetBrains TeamCity Doesn't seem to work on TeamCity Enterprise 2017.2.1 (build 50732).  The logs aren't showing up as hidden artifacts.


What about rider? How do I get the cover logs?


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