dotMemory fails to profile windows service
I have a windows service, which internally hosts a website using cassini dev web server.
Dot Memory starts profiling but after 10-15 seconds stops with an error message "Unexpected Service state stopped".
I checked the event viewer for possible errors. Found that somehow, when dot memory starts profiling, Ninject(DI Lib) cant bind dependencies.
Service.exe Framework Version: v4.0.30319 Description: The application requested process termination through System.Environment.FailFast(string message).
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A similar problem with Ninject was reported once, but unfortunately the investigation was not completed. Could you please join this issue tracker ticket or provide us with a small reproducible example which allows us to reproduce a problem on our side here?
I get this error, hope this helps to reproduce bug.
Ninject version :
Ninject.Web.Common version :
WebActivatorEx version : 2.0.6