No activity (realtime data) when trying to profile MVC app on iisExpress.

The application only runs when starting the profiler. Can confirm using Postman to make requests. However nothing is showing. As I'm comparing profilers: the same config works in both Ants as in NProfiler.




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Some specific environment variables are required to start .Net Core applications under IIS Express.
Please perform the next steps to easy detect necessary variables:
  • Open your project in Visual Studio. Select IIS Express in startup configuration and run it from Visual Studio at least once.
  • Open ReSharper -> Extensions -> Profile -> Run Startup Configuration Performance Profiling… Profile Startup Project window will be opened.
  • Copy environment variables from this window and past their values to dotTrace standalone. You can also copy some other parameters if differs (e.g. “Open URL” value).
  • Do other steps as usual
Usually, It is more convenient to use dotTrace in Visual Studio integration for profiling IIS Express.

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