dotCover reports underwhelming, can they be customized?

I'm evaluating dotCover for integration into our Jenkins server.  We've used OpenCover and ReportGenerator to accomplish this and wanted to move to a professional option (since our dev team already uses Jetbrains tools).  On seeing the first HTML report from dotCover, it was .. underwhelming.  No search, no sorting, no hot spots, no statistics, drilling down into the tree is tedious, etc.

I know I can export to xml and use other tools to generate reports, but it seems like for a paid product, we should at least have a way to do it all from dotCover (like ... customizable XSLT for output).

Is there a way to customize dotCover reports (all from within the dotCover ecosystem) to contain more information, usefulness and be prettier?



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I'm back with this (surprised there is no answer from JetBrains?).  Our biggest problem right now is that when we “Assert.AreEqual(actual, expected, message)”, or message might contain quite a bit of information to help the person viewing the report to track down what actually happened.  

The problem is that dotCover puts everything in the “message” in the URL to the report, when the message should just be underneath the url page, with a short URL.  Sometimes the URL is even too long to click on.

What I'd like to see is Assert.AreEqual message never in the short test link anywhere.  The message should only be in the page when you click on the short message (if you click on the hyperlink below, it takes you to a page where the message shows)

Any way for me to do that?


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