Issues while using dotCover 2021.1.3 with justMock and xUnit
Hi Team
We are facing some issues when we try to use dotCover with justMock and xUnit.
- justMock - Telerik JustMock Console
- xUnit - Console Runner v2.4.1
- dotCover - dotCover Console Runner 2021.1.3
- Teamcity - TeamCity Enterprise 2020.1.5
Type 1
Issue - Integrating dotCover with justMock and xUnit within Teamcity using the Powershell Runner
In this, even though the step executes successfully, the report generated by dotCover is empty.
Following is the command we use:
& nuget.exe restore "{Path to .sln file of the .net framework project}"
& MSBuild.exe "{Path to .csproj file of the .net framework tests project}" "/target:Build" "/p:Configuration=Debug" "/nodereuse:false" "/p:Reporter=teamcity"
& dotCover.exe cover `
--TargetExecutable="{Directory_Path}\JustMock\Telerik.JustMock.Console.exe" `
--output="{Directory_Path}\CodeCoverage\index.html" `
--reportType="HTML" `
--TargetArguments="runadvanced --profiler-path-64 {Directory_Path}\JustMock\Telerik.CodeWeaver.Profiler.dll --command {Directory_Path}\xunit.runner.console.2.4.1\tools\net472\xunit.console.exe --command-args {Directory_Path}\Test.dll" `
Compress-Archive -Path {Directory_Path}\CodeCoverage\" -DestinationPath "{Directory_Path}\" -Force
Type 2
In a separate VM where a licensed version of justMock is installed and dotCover is enabled in "Telerik.JustMock.Configuration", when we run the same command given above, we get the following error:
[JetBrains dotCover] Coverage session finished with errors: PDB server error: Too large table index
[location] = {Directory_Path}\dotCommon\Native\Shared\include\jb/metadata/metadata.hpp(80)
[function] = struct jb::metadata::md_stream<3> __cdecl jb::metadata::detail_metadata::accessor<struct jb::metadata::md_MethodDebugInformation>::get_field_value<struct jb::metadata::fld_SequencePoints>(const unsigned int) const
[location] = {Directory_Path}\Profiler\Kernel\Windows\Native\Solution\core\src\bridges\pdb\pdb_bridge.cpp(198)
[function] = void __cdecl jbprof::pdb_bridge::send_receive_command(const char *,enum jbprof::pdb_bridge::time_key,enum jbprof::pdb_bridge::time_key,enum jbprof::pdb_bridge_command,enum jbprof::pdb_bridge_answer,class std::function<void __cdecl(struct write_s
tream_iface *)>,class std::function<void __cdecl(struct read_stream_iface *)>).
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