NUnit Console Arguments

Hi! I have a problem passing command line arguments. I am using nUnit as a test framework. When I want to run ConsoleRunner I want to pass the "where" filter by category. As a result, I get the error:

The command "D:\...\tools\dotCover.exe cover --TargetArguments:.\bin\Debug\GH.UnitTests.dll D:\...\coverageConfigFile.xml" exited with code -2. 

I using config file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<TargetExecutable>..\..\packages\...\nunit3-console.exe --where cat!=MyCategory</TargetExecutable>

And I have a message in Output window:

[JetBrains dotCover] TargetExecutable: file does not exist: D:\Projects\\nunit3-console.exe --where cat!=NeedsFixing.

Please help me, how I can correct pass where parameter?



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