Unable to get JetBrains.Profiler.SelfApi working on EC2 Linux instance
I'm working on profiling a .NET5 service via the JetBrains.Profiler.SelfApi nuget package. Our service is deployed to a Linux instance on Amazon EC2. This service is loaded by a native wrapper that provides interop with our nodeJs services. If I call DotTrace.EnsurePrerequisites(), I get a segmentation fault:
[1] DLLExports D Starting snapshot capture...
Segmentation fault
I tried manually copying the prerequisites from the NuGet package (jetbrains.dottrace.commandlinetools.linux-x64\2020.3.2) side-by-side with my assemblies but I get these errors instead:
[1] DLLExports E Failed to initialize snapshot tracing, encountered exception: System.InvalidOperationException: The prerequisite isn't ready, call DownloadAsync() first.
If I run dotTrace.sh directly on the Linux instance, it seems to initialize correctly. What should I try next to get this working?
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What Linux distribution are you using on Amazon EC2?
What do you mean by the correct initialization of dotTrace.sh on the Linux instance? Am I right that you can get a snapshot?
Here's our Linux distribution:
yes I'm able to manually capture a snapshot using dotTrace.sh:
Thank you.
Could you please download the console profiler from our site (https://www.jetbrains.com/profiler/download/#section=commandline), unpack it, and specify the corresponding directory in DotTrace.EnsurePrerequisite(string downloadTo=CLTDirectory)? Will it work in this case?
nice, this workaround works for me!