How to open a workspace that was not exported?

How can I get dotMemory to load an unexported workspace?

I had an extended test running and came back to find the system had stopped running. After attempting to review what data I had the workspace was missing from recent workspaces. As I hadnt exported the workspace I can't import it either. 


Edit: Query was resolved in comment below, permalink: 



If you start profiling session from Standalone dotMemory or via "ReSharper | Profile | Run memory profiling..." menu point in Visual Studio, all workspaces will be automatically saved and will be available in dotMemory Home | Workspaces list.

Could you please describe in detail how did you start profiling session and what did you do next before you found the workspace was missing?

Also please make sure that "auto-delete" setting isn't configured in dotMemory Home | Preferences.


Hi, I had my application running and attached to the process via the standalone dotMemory. dotMemory was then setup to automatically capture every 30 minutes. 

I came back to the target with no applications running. after opening dotMemory I checked the recent workspaces, which was empty. AutoDelete is set to disabled. 


Information about workspaces is saved to %localappdata%\JetBrains\Shared\vAny\dotMemory\workspace.list file. Is it possible that you deleted it manually, for example when clearing "Shared" folder?

Also please make sure you run dotMemory under the same user account because %localappdata% folder is per-user folder.

If it doesn't help, try to find workspace files in the folder specified in "Workspace files location" setting (Home | Preferences). Each workspace is saved to the folder with generic name like "Ruqyfap" and contains "ProfilingData", "State" subfolders and "workspace.idx" file. Please check if there is something similar to your workspace by date and size.





Thanks for the information about the workspaces list file, I'm not sure what happened, it appeared to be empty on the original machine I performed the test on, but I manually copied the files to my secondary machine and changed an entry in the workspace list to point to the backup i made of the files and it loaded correctly.


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