Not getting Code Coverage with .NET Core 3.1

We have upgraded our environment to Visual Studio v16.4 with includes .NET Core 3.1.
Now we do not get Coverage results:

Coverage analysis: Profiler message: API was requested, but wasn't called (C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe)
Coverage analysis: Profiler message: API was requested, but wasn't called (C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe)
Coverage analysis: Profiler message: API was requested, but wasn't called (C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe)

Using latest R# Ultimate 2019.2.3

Permanently deleted user

I looked at the Youtrack report and it gave me an idea.

With the visual studio installer you can install .Net Core 3 runtime in parallel with the .Net Core 3.1 SDK.

This will enable code coverage. It is just when you only have the .Net Core 3.1 SDK installed that code coverage breaks.


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