DotCover error -4 on TeamCity

Using TeamCity 2019.1.5 (build 66605) and dotCover bundled (2019.1.1) after 20 steps of UnitTests, suddenly start to return an error code : -4.
In the build step i found this log:



[01:46:57] : [Step 22/33] Run Settings
[01:46:57] : [Step 22/33] RuntimeFramework: net-4.0
[01:46:57] : [Step 22/33] DisposeRunners: True
[01:46:57] : [Step 22/33] WorkDirectory: C:\BuildAgents\BuildAgent1\work\35b5f9e8ab700637\NUnit\Tustena.NUnit.Misc.Tests\bin\Release
[01:46:57] : [Step 22/33] BasePath: C:\BuildAgents\BuildAgent1\work\35b5f9e8ab700637\NUnit\Tustena.NUnit.Misc.Tests\bin\Release
[01:46:57] : [Step 22/33] ImageRuntimeVersion: 4.0.30319
[01:46:57] : [Step 22/33] ImageTargetFrameworkName: .NETFramework,Version=v4.7.2
[01:46:57] : [Step 22/33] ImageRequiresX86: False
[01:46:57] : [Step 22/33] ImageRequiresDefaultAppDomainAssemblyResolver: False
[01:46:57] : [Step 22/33] NumberOfTestWorkers: 4
[01:46:57] : [Step 22/33] Test Run Summary
[01:46:57] : [Step 22/33] Overall result: Failed
[01:46:57] : [Step 22/33] Test Count: 3041, Passed: 3022, Failed: 18, Warnings: 0, Inconclusive: 1, Skipped: 0
[01:46:57] : [Step 22/33] Failed Tests - Failures: 8, Errors: 8, Invalid: 2
[01:46:57] : [Step 22/33] Start time: 2019-11-13 00:18:40Z
[01:46:57] : [Step 22/33] End time: 2019-11-13 00:46:56Z
[01:46:57] : [Step 22/33] Duration: 1695.837 seconds
[01:46:57] : [Step 22/33] Results (nunit3) saved as C:\BuildAgents\BuildAgent1\temp\agentTmp\kklcyBsNUj8VHi58Kl3Wn7o52W06bWdi.nunit.xml
[01:46:59] : [Step 22/33] [JetBrains dotCover] Coverage session finished [13/11/2019 01:46:59]
[01:46:59] : [Step 22/33] [JetBrains dotCover] Analyzed application exited with code '-4'
[01:46:59] : [Step 22/33] [JetBrains dotCover] Coverage results post-processing started [13/11/2019 01:46:59]
[01:47:00] : [Step 22/33] [JetBrains dotCover] Coverage results post-processing finished [13/11/2019 01:47:00]
[01:47:00]W: [Step 22/33] Process exited with code -4
[01:47:00]W: [Step 22/33] NUnit process finished with negative exit code -4 (unexpected failure). Reporting step failure.
[01:47:00] : [Step 22/33] Publishing artifacts
[01:47:00] : [Publishing artifacts] Collecting files to publish: [C:\BuildAgents\BuildAgent1\temp\agentTmp\kklcyBsNUj8VHi58Kl3Wn7o52W06bWdi.nunit => .teamcity\bt70_RUNNER_17]
[01:47:00] : [Publishing artifacts] Publishing 1 file using [ArtifactsCachePublisher]: C:/BuildAgents/BuildAgent1/temp/agentTmp/kklcyBsNUj8VHi58Kl3Wn7o52W06bWdi.nunit => .teamcity/bt70_RUNNER_17
[01:47:00] : [Publishing artifacts] Publishing 1 file using [WebPublisher]: C:/BuildAgents/BuildAgent1/temp/agentTmp/kklcyBsNUj8VHi58Kl3Wn7o52W06bWdi.nunit => .teamcity/bt70_RUNNER_17
[01:47:00]i: [Step 22/33] ##teamcity[publishArtifacts 'C:\BuildAgents\BuildAgent1\temp\agentTmp\kklcyBsNUj8VHi58Kl3Wn7o52W06bWdi.nunit => .teamcity\bt70_RUNNER_17']
[01:47:00] : [Step 22/33] Publishing artifacts
[01:47:00] : [Publishing artifacts] Collecting files to publish: [C:\BuildAgents\BuildAgent1\temp\agentTmp\uaSXqGeL3dr5O1Gj3Tl8aPg2ahMnxjzE.dotCover => .teamcity\bt70_RUNNER_17]
[01:47:00] : [Publishing artifacts] Publishing 1 file using [ArtifactsCachePublisher]: C:/BuildAgents/BuildAgent1/temp/agentTmp/uaSXqGeL3dr5O1Gj3Tl8aPg2ahMnxjzE.dotCover => .teamcity/bt70_RUNNER_17
[01:47:00] : [Publishing artifacts] Publishing 1 file using [WebPublisher]: C:/BuildAgents/BuildAgent1/temp/agentTmp/uaSXqGeL3dr5O1Gj3Tl8aPg2ahMnxjzE.dotCover => .teamcity/bt70_RUNNER_17
[01:47:00]i: [Step 22/33] ##teamcity[publishArtifacts 'C:\BuildAgents\BuildAgent1\temp\agentTmp\uaSXqGeL3dr5O1Gj3Tl8aPg2ahMnxjzE.dotCover => .teamcity\bt70_RUNNER_17']
[01:47:00]i: [Step 22/33] ##teamcity[importData path='C:\BuildAgents\BuildAgent1\temp\agentTmp\YVswesedxRTm6KVpUM3C1mpzC5HSNnP6.dcvr' type='dotNetCoverage' tool='dotcover']
[01:47:00]E: [Step 22/33] Process exited with code -4 (Step: Misc.Tests (NUnit))
[01:47:00] : [Step 22/33] Importing data from 'C:\BuildAgents\BuildAgent1\temp\agentTmp\YVswesedxRTm6KVpUM3C1mpzC5HSNnP6.dcvr' (19.22 MB) with 'dotNetCoverage' processor
[01:47:00]E: [Step 22/33] Step Misc.Tests (NUnit) failed


How can I solve the problem?

1 comment


Could you please try running NUnit console locally or on TeamCity, but without dotCover and see if we receive the same result: Failed Tests - Failures: 8, Errors: 8, Invalid: 2? Exit code -4 is received by dotCover from NUnit(TRANSFORM_ERROR). 


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