dotCover error "Failed to get method body"


dotcover fails with teamcity with an error 


[Step 4/7] [JetBrains dotCover] Coverage session finished with errors: Failed to get method body [location] = C:\Build Agent\work\2e477e1decf4e7a0\Profiler\Kernel\Windows\Native\Solution\core\src\profilers\coverage\module_gatherer.cpp(510) [function] = void __cdecl jb::profiler::module_gatherer::write_cyclomatic_complexity(unsigned int,unsigned __int64,const struct jb::profiler::module_gatherer::mask_result &) [hresult] = 8007000b, COR_E_BADIMAGEFORMAT, An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.


teamcity version : 2018.2.4 (build 61678)


1 comment
Permanently deleted user

Hello Rohit,

Could you please enable dotCover core logs on TeamCity and send us log files?

Please see this instruction: ("dotCover console runner in JetBrains TeamCity" / "To take dotCover core logs").

As a value of CoreLogMask argument use the following string: MetaDataGt;InstrumentationGt;CoverageCyclomaticComplexityGt;PdbGt


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