If you want to figure out what object are retained by this type you can try to do the following:
- Double click on DbCompiledModel to open it in separate object set
- Click "Show object retained by this set" button on the left panel to open object set with the objects that are exclusively retained by the types in object set:
- Open "Group by Dominators" in opened objects set:
Hello Bruno,
If you want to figure out what object are retained by this type you can try to do the following:
- Double click on DbCompiledModel to open it in separate object set
- Click "Show object retained by this set" button on the left panel to open object set with the objects that are exclusively retained by the types in object set:
- Open "Group by Dominators" in opened objects set:
You can read more about dominators here: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/dotmemory/Retained_by.html
If you want to find what types retain DbCompiledModel in memory:
- Double click on DbCompiledModel to open it in separate object set
- Open "Group by Similar Retention" view: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/dotmemory/Similar_Retention.html