Root certificate not trusted..

Trying to setup a session with a remote agent I get:


"Unable to start profiling: Throw location unknown ... 

The signature is not valid [win32 error] = 2148204809, A certificate chain processed, but terminated in a root certificate which is not trusted by the trust provider.


This is Windows Server 2016

1 comment



Some of our executable files are signed, and this error is raised during the verification process. The error means that a root certificate on the machine is outdated or revoked. You can check it in properties of, for example, "%localappdata%\JetBrains\Installations\dotTrace183\x64\JetBrains.Etw.Collector.exe" file on the remote machine (Properties -> Digital Signatures -> Details -> View Certificate -> Certification Path, you need to manually copy this file to the remote machine).
Please try to install on the remote machine the latest Windows updates. Also, you can download and install new Thawte Primary Root CA certificate:


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