getting corrupted report file



I'm Used dotcover command to generate the report in HTML. I'm getting the HTML file with garbage value (corrupt file).

Note:- I used CMD(Command Prompt) to run the command. 

this is command i'm using:- 

 dotcover cover /TargetExecutable="C:\Program Files (x86)\NUnit 2.6.3\bin\nunit-console.exe" /TargetArguments="D:\Tests\bin\Debug\Tests.dll"  /Output="AppCoverageReport.html"  /ReportType="HTML"  .


Out put :-

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Could you please help me get the correct command or let me know what i missed.

machine Config:-

1. Win10
2. VS 2013 (C#)

3. dotCover 2017.1.20170613.161351

1 comment

Hi Akash,

The output for the "cover" command is a DCVR snapshot file. Please, use the "analyze" command instead of "cover": 

dotcover analyze /TargetExecutable="C:\Program Files (x86)\NUnit 2.6.3\bin\nunit-console.exe" /TargetArguments="D:\Tests\bin\Debug\Tests.dll"  /Output="AppCoverageReport.html"  /ReportType="HTML"


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