dotCover IIS attach error: "PDB server error: Out of arent region"
I got strange error (see below) while running dotCover 2017.3 attached to IIS application:
14:39:16.228 |I| ConnectionsManager | +/-OnCoreStateChanged 7d21834a-c80e-4db1-ab31-3b76eb404815 : state Started->Error
14:39:16.228 |I| ConnectionsManager | OnProfileDropped state detected
14:39:16.229 |I| ControllerVM | OnCurrentCoreStateChanged: IsProfilingEnabled=False; State=Error
14:39:16.232 |V| CoverRoutine | CoreAlert event received: 1/25/2018 2:39:16 PM, Error, "PDB server error: Out of arent region
[location] = C:\Build Agent\work\8fbebfb798cff906\Profiler\Kernel\Windows\Native\Solution\core\src\bridges\pdb\pdb_bridge.cpp(196)
[function] = void __thiscall jb::profiler::pdb_bridge::send_receive_command(const char *,enum jb::profiler::pdb_bridge::time_key,enum jb::profiler::pdb_bridge::time_key,enum jb::profiler::pdb_bridge_command,enum jb::profiler::pdb_bridge_answer,class std::function<void __cdecl(struct IWriteCoreStream *)>,class std::function<void __cdecl(struct IReadCoreStream *)>)", HResult=E_FAIL (-2147467259)
14:39:16.245 |V| CommunicationTools | Listener_GetNewStreamIds listenerId=51f3a1bd-2056-4b18-99bb-19cfee2bb483
14:39:16.339 |V| CommandProcessor | OnHandleDroped handleType=Snapshot id=d3e76028-9479-4648-8116-eaec03d87d6c
I don't have PDB server running, all checkboxes in Symbol Search Policy dialog are off. dotTrace profiling works fine with the same IIS app.
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Hello, Andrey
It is an error from our internal PDB server. How do you start coverage analysis of your application? Which profiling type in dotTrace do you use? Probably, Sampling or Tracing?
Hi Fedor,
I want to get coverage of ASP.NET app hosted in IIS. My repro steps are:
1. stop IIS
2. run dotCover and choose ".NET Process" to cover
3. start IIS
4. open web page in a browser, wait for page load
5. select w3wp.exe process in dotCover dropdown
=> error in the log, all dotCover buttons except KillAll disabled
(dotTrace works fine in both sampling and timeline modes)
Hi Andrey,
Could you please collect PDB server log files?
To collect them do the following:
1. press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F11 to enable expert options In the Coverage Configuration window at your step 2
2. Check Enable PDB logs and then CoreBridge and PdbGt flags
3. Click Save.
4. Click Run to run coverage analysis.
5. Reproduce your issue.
Log files will be saved to the %Temp%\JetLogs folder under auto-generated names, so empty this folder before you launch VS.
Hi Fedor,
I don't see CoreBridge option, so i collected logs with Bridge, PdbBridge and PdbGt options:
Let me know if it's enough.
Thank you
To see CoreBridge and PdbGt please check "Enable PDB Server logs" at the bottom of the window:
Got it =)
Link updated:
Thank you, Andrey!
Hi Andrey,
Is it possible for you to provide us with the following assembly for the investigation: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\wix\d3f6316c\2cfbbe0d\assembly\dl3\b9e61a0f\10bcc3bd_1677d201\PowerUp.Net.Ftp.dll ?
Hi Fedor,
Sorry i cannot share that assembly - it's commercial 3rd party one. I see it's compiled with .NET 1.0 almost 14 years ago))) Also it's heavily ofbuscated. I will try to build the test project without it
Yep, without legacy .NET 1.0 dependencies dotCover works fine.
Thank you, Fedor!
Hi Andrey,
Great to hear that now it works fine for you!