[dotCover] report with SourcesSearchPaths does not work for some coverage Dcvr files that from linux container
- I get coverage result (dcvr file ) from Linux container
- I copy the result (dcvr file) to windows folder
- I download source code to windows folder c:\temp
- I use dotcover report with SourcesSearchPaths to generate Html report
Expected: The generated html report should with source code.
Actually: Some of dcvr file generated html report with source code correctly, but some of them does not work.
What I did:
- I checked the source folder the folder structure is correct
- I check the log, it shows Source file doesn't exit and can't mapped to file c:\temp\…
- I use linux dotcover.sh and mount the same windows folder and it can generate correct html report with source code
- The log like below (it does not mapped to file c:\temp\src\Controllers\AccountController.cs) and the source code folder is under c:\temp\src
- The wired thing is for some other simlar dcvr the mapping file works well
HtmlReportBuilder | JetPool(S) #1:11 | Source file 13 (/src/Controllers/AccountController.cs): Doesn't Exists
The expected log should have below log, but for some unknown reason it has not:
(C:\BuildAgent\work\dca4525c\src\Controllers\AccountController.cs): Mapped to file C:\temp\src\Controllers\AccountController.cs
Do anyone meet the similar issue and could you give me some suggestions ?
Thanks a lot!
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Could you please upload your log via our upload service so we could investigate the issue? Please let me know Upload ID of your file.
Thank you.