Auto-running tests as I type


I'm starting to use dotCover, coming from NCrunch, which I used for years. I would like to check my expectations for this tool to understand if it behaves as it should or there's some misconfiguration on my part. 

NCrunch used to auto-run the tests and show the line highlighting as I typed. I tried multiple different options in dotCover and cannot seem to reach the same behaviour – it seems that the tests can only be run when the project is built or saved explicitly, and even when they do run, the highlighting is not updated and I need to navigate to all my tests and press “Cover” to have the highlighting updated. 

Is there any way to enable auto-running the tests and updating the code cover highlighting as I type in dotCover? Or is this type of behaviour not supported in dotCover?

Any help will be very much appreciated! 

Thanks :)


Hello Simonas,

Please enable Continuous testing mode to auto run test whenever you make changes to your code.

Thank you.



Thanks for the response! 

My question is precisely about “Continuous testing”, which I have enabled. I want to understand if there's a way to have it running as I type, instead of when I explicitly save. It would also be acceptable if the tests ran on each implicit save (auto-save). 


Hello Simonas,

In order for changes to take an effect, the document indeed needs to be saved.
If triggering execution on save is not convenient, you can try triggering test run on shortcut (ReSharper | Options | dotCover | Continuous Testing | Trigger Continious Testing on: Shortcut).






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