c# Primary Constructors set property not covered


I'm testing Resharper and dotCover, it an amazing tool… I will buy it after trial period !

on the primary constructor i saw a behaviour that we can discuss.

As you can see on the screen, the panel “Unit Test COverage” reports that CellVM class, code coverage is not 100%.

The analyser said that Setters are not covered, How I can manage this topic ?

I saw that I can exclude manually each setter of the unit test cover scope but on a big project it will be a long and boring task…

Is the the possibility to consider when a setter is used with a primary constructor, the code coverage is 100 % ?

I would like to know your point of view on this topic, and mauyb e you have a better solution.

Thank you


1 comment

Hello Julienduprat1984, thank you for your question. Do I understand correctly that you'd like to have an option to exclude all similar constructs (in your case - primary constructor's setters) from coverage? Did I get the idea correctly? Please correct me if I'm wrong. Thank you!


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