Cover all tests in session? (similar to RS RunCurrentSession)
I frequently use ReSharper's shortcut for "ReSharper.ReSharper_UnitTest_RunCurrentSession". Is there a similar shortcut so I can cover all tests in current session? (If it is I can't find it in the keyboard commands window).
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The actions you are looking for are ReSharper_UnitTestSession_RunAllActionN, where N is 1..5. The number corresponds to actions order as they are shown at the panel, so usually "Cover all tests with dotCover" is ReSharper_UnitTestSession_RunAllAction2.
Thanks for the reply but this doesn't work for me. I tried all *_RnAllAction1..5 and vstudio always says "The key combination (...) is bound to command (ReSharper_UnitTestSession_RunAllActionN) which is not currently available."
However when I hover the toolbar button the tooltip displays the above shortcut, and clicking the toolbar button works off course... But using the shortcut does not :(.
Currently, it's a correct behaviour - this shortcut will work only when Unit Tests Sessions window is in focus.
I've logged a feature request: and you're welcome to vote for it.