Go to Test from Covered Code
I noticed in the dotCover.2.2.515.8 version that I was able to Ctrl+Alt+K+T to display tests methods from a covered method and then was able to double click a test method and go to the actual test file. Has this changed or the ability been removed? I was unable to acomplish this task in the last EAP build 2.5.573.15 nor the RTM version 2.5.574.60. I'm also using ReSharper dotCover
9-6-2013 3-52-08 PM.png
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Hi Tim,
Unfortunatly, it's a known issue: http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/DCVR-5388
It's already fixed and the fix will be included in the next dotCover release.
Would you like to be notified when the public build with this fix is available?
Thanks for the response. yes, please let me know when a new build is available.
Hi Tim,
We've just opened dotCover 2.6 EAP and the issue is fixed in it. You are welcome to try it: http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/DCVR/dotCover+Early+Access+Program
Best Regards.
Hey Fedor,

I updated to the latest EAP build 2.6.601.21 today. .I am now getting the popup dialog but it does not appear to be finding the associated tests. As you can see the covered test highlighting is on and the method is green. It should show at least one text class I would presume.
And what do you get if you try to see associated tests on the first green string ( var result = ...) ?
That works as expected. I was thinking that it was at the method level where I should see them. Thanks for the clarification.
You're welcome!
Please let us know if you have further questions.