ReSharper NUnit Test Coverage issues
Coverage analysis failed. Can't start application. See below for more details:
Process with an Id of <PID> is not running.
I get the above error everytime I try to run coverage analysis on my unit tests. Unit tests run fine without coverage.
NUnit: builtin 2.6.3
VS 2012
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Also unable to profile the unit tests. I get following:
Failed to start profiling: Operatio nwas canceled by user. See below for more details:
Failed to register x64 core COM object: Process with an Id of <PID> is not running.
Running on 64 bit Windows 7.
More information: The PIDs it lists in the error message are for JetBrains .NET Profiler Pdb Server instances that get started each time you tun the coverage analysis. I can clearly see the processes are running in the Task Manager, but for whatever reason, Resharper can't communicate with them.
Hello Daniel,
Could you please try this new eap build: The bug should have been fixed.
P.S. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this build is a eap build, so it’s not yet a production quality product (we are working on it), but the bug was fixed and you can just check whether it works well for you.
Kind regards,
Got an exception when I started Visual Studio after installing the EAP (submitted to dev team)
New error when attempting to cover unit tests: "Can't create System.Diagnostic.Process from pid."
Hello Daniel,
Could you please provide us a link to this request?
Kind regards,
I submitted the error using the built-in error reporter. I don't get errors on a regular basis when opening Visual Studio, it was a one time thing.
Could you please send us log files then? To get them, start Visual Studio with the following command line arguments: devenv.exe /ReSharper.LogFile. Log files will be saved in the '%Temp%\JetLogs' folder with auto-generated names, so empty this folder before you launch Visual Studio and start working with dotCover.
You can attach log files here or you can create a new request and attach files there: (in this case the informtaion will be available to JetBrains team only).
Kind regards,
Logs from last attempt are attached.
Hello Daniel,
Thank you for the logs. I'm afraid there is nothing suspicious in them. Is it possible for you to repeat the experiment? Please download EAP04 build (, reproduce the problem and send us log files. Empty the '%Temp%\JetLogs' folder before you launch Visual Studio and start working with dotCover. It would be also helpful if you could record a screencast while you are reproducing this problem (
Kind regards,
The latest build works again. Was running VS with /ReSharper.Log but nothing was generated.
Both coverage and profiling work again.