Coverage analysis aborted (dotcover 3.0)
Since I upgraded to dotcover 3 I cannot get coverage to work within Visual Studio (2012).
Test runs ok but when dotcover is processing the coverage it stops and signals
"Coverage analysis aborted." in the Coverage tab.
I have tried to activate the dotcover log but any of the mentioned tactics don't work
the /dotCover.LogFile option to visual studio only gets vs to report that there is no such switch.
Opening the Coverage Configuration using Ctrl+Alt+Shift works but no expert options where logging can be activated does show when pressing Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F11
How can I get to the bottom with this error?
JetBrains ReSharper Platform 6 Build 6.0.20141204.190160 on 2014-12-04 19:29:31Z
JetBrains dotCover 3.0 Build 3.0.20141204.190186 on 2014-12-04 19:56:30Z
JetBrains ReSharper 9.0 Build 9.0.20141204.190166 on 2014-12-04 19:49:19Z
Application Packages:
JetBrains DotCommon Core build 1.0.20141204.190156 on 2014-12-04 19:32:24Z.
JetBrains DotCommon.Psi Navigation build 3.0.20141204.190169 on 2014-12-04 19:47:22Z.
JetBrains DotCommon.Psi UnitTesting build 3.0.20141204.190169 on 2014-12-04 19:47:22Z.
JetBrains DotCommon Remotable build 1.0.20141204.190156 on 2014-12-04 19:32:24Z.
JetBrains DotCommon Timeline build 1.0.20141204.190156 on 2014-12-04 19:32:24Z.
JetBrains DotCover Core build 3.0.20141204.190186 on 2014-12-04 19:56:30Z.
JetBrains DotCover Presentation build 3.0.20141204.190186 on 2014-12-04 19:56:30Z.
JetBrains DotCover VisualStudio build 3.0.20141204.190186 on 2014-12-04 19:56:30Z.
JetBrains EtwService Core build 1.0.20141204.190135 on 2014-12-04 19:33:02Z.
JetBrains Fake VisualStudio VsPackageAssembly build on 2014-12-08 09:39:31Z.
JetBrains Platform Core Ide build 6.0.20141204.190160 on 2014-12-04 19:29:31Z.
JetBrains Platform Core Shell build 6.0.20141204.190142 on 2014-12-04 19:26:16Z.
JetBrains Platform Core Text build 6.0.20141204.190160 on 2014-12-04 19:29:31Z.
JetBrains Platform Installer build 6.0.20141204.190160 on 2014-12-04 19:29:31Z.
JetBrains Platform Standalone Shell build 6.0.20141204.190160 on 2014-12-04 19:29:31Z.
JetBrains Platform Symbols build 6.0.20141204.190160 on 2014-12-04 19:29:31Z.
JetBrains Platform VisualStudio build 6.0.20141204.190160 on 2014-12-04 19:29:31Z.
JetBrains Profiler Configurator Core build 1.0.20141204.190174 on 2014-12-04 19:34:40Z.
JetBrains Profiler Configurator WPF build 1.0.20141204.190174 on 2014-12-04 19:34:40Z.
JetBrains Profiler Editor Core build 1.0.20141204.190174 on 2014-12-04 19:34:40Z.
JetBrains Profiler Editor Windows BehaviorModel build 1.0.20141204.190174 on 2014-12-04 19:34:40Z.
JetBrains Profiler Editor Windows WPF build 1.0.20141204.190174 on 2014-12-04 19:34:40Z.
JetBrains Profiler Kernel CleanUp build 1.0.20141204.190174 on 2014-12-04 19:34:40Z.
JetBrains Profiler Kernel Core build 1.0.20141204.190174 on 2014-12-04 19:34:40Z.
JetBrains Profiler Kernel InternalLauncher build 1.0.20141204.190174 on 2014-12-04 19:34:40Z.
JetBrains Profiler Kernel Windows Api build 1.0.20141204.190174 on 2014-12-04 19:34:40Z.
JetBrains Profiler Kernel Windows Engine build 1.0.20141204.190174 on 2014-12-04 19:34:40Z.
JetBrains Profiler Kernel Windows Native Core build 1.0.20141204.190170 on 2014-12-04 19:29:41Z.
JetBrains Profiler Snapshot build 1.0.20141204.190174 on 2014-12-04 19:34:40Z.
JetBrains Profiler VsIntegration Core build 1.0.20141204.190174 on 2014-12-04 19:34:40Z.
JetBrains Profiler VsIntegration Windows build 1.0.20141204.190174 on 2014-12-04 19:34:40Z.
JetBrains Psi.Features ExternalAnnotations build 9.0.20141204.190183 on 2014-12-04 19:34:50Z.
JetBrains Psi.Features SolutionBuilder build 9.0.20141204.190183 on 2014-12-04 19:34:50Z.
JetBrains Psi.Features src build 9.0.20141204.190183 on 2014-12-04 19:34:50Z.
JetBrains Psi.Features Tasks build 6.0.20141204.190183 on 2014-12-04 19:34:50Z.
JetBrains Psi.Features VisualStudio build 9.0.20141204.190183 on 2014-12-04 19:34:50Z.
JetBrains ReSharper src build 9.0.20141204.190166 on 2014-12-04 19:49:19Z.
ReSharper Free trial period is running. 22 days left
dotCover Licensed to xxxxx. Maintenance subscription until 2015-12-01
Visual Studio 11.0.61030.0.
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Hi Dan,
Could you please try to turn off "Include not loaded solution assemblies into coverage results" option in ReSharper / Options / dotCover / General?
There is a bug with this option, because of which coverage analysis gets aborted if your solution has projects with non-existent output assemblies, e.g. projects that have never been built (
The issue will be fixed in the nearest minor update.
Please tell me whether it helps.
Best regards.
I had the same problem using dotcover in VS 2012.
Unchecking "Include not loaded solution assemblies into coverage results" fixed the problem for me.
I also wanted to confirm that with version of dotCover. Turning off "Include not loaded solution assemblies into coverage results" fixed my problem.
Hello Edvinas,
The issue must have been fixed in dotCover 3.0.1. So probably you are experiencing some other problem. It would be very kind of you if you could reproduce the problem with dotCover logs turned on and send me your log files. In order to turn on logs please start Visual Studio with /ReSharper.LogFile command line key. You will find all log files in '%Temp%/JetLogs' folder.
Thanks in advance. Best regards.
This is still a problem in 3.1.
Turning off "Include not loaded solution assemblies into coverage results" fixes this.
Attaching log.
Hello William,
Could you please try dotCover 10.0.1 and tell us whether the problem persists?
Kind regards,
I've had this problem today with dotCover 10.0.2. Unchecking the option as suggested seemed to fix the problem.