Continuous integration with dotTRACE
I would like to execute dotTRACE profiler and save snapshot as part of our automatic builds. Is there any way to execute it from command line or some API?
The question was already raised
and here
but I could not find "jetBrains.dottrace.exe", only "dottrace.exe" and it does not work from command line.
We're using dottrace version 4.0
Thanks in advance
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DotTrace 4 command line support is scheduled to dotTrace Performance version 4.6 (release in September 2011)
4.6 EAP will start earlier.
WBR, Ivan Shakhov
+1. Is there a youtrack issue to kick?
September is close to its end, maybe it's worth to nudge again
Hi Ivan,
Is command line support (or a relese of 5.0 EAP scheduled for any time soon?
Hi Meidan,
I'm not Ivan, but command line will be included in the nearest release, though it's not in EAP yet. I can notify you when a build with command line support appears, if you wish.
Thanks, I'd appreciate any updates.
Do you know when is the new release due?
Sent from my Motorola Star-Tac
From: Asia Rudenko
Sent: 2/29/2012 15:08
To: Meidan Alon
Subject: Continuous integration with dotTRACE
Meidan Alon,
A new message was posted in the thread "Continuous integration with dotTRACE":
Author : Asia Rudenko (Asia.Rudenko)
Not yet - we've estimated only EAP.
Is there any progress on this issue? What is the estimated release date?
I am very interested in command line support as well. What is the state of this feature?
Hello Boris, sorry for late response. Command line profiling is released; link to a guide given below is absolutely right.
Hi Alec, Meidan is right, here's the same link, but clickable: :)
I looked there and posted a comment because the instructions did not seem complete and I suspect it's not fully automatable.
/showcontroller: Open the profile controller dialog where you can start/stop profiling, capture snapshots, and detach/kill the profiled process.
This part doesn’t look like something that can run on a build server and I can’t find any documentation reference on the command line.
How can the following situations be handled completely with the command line with no user intervention.
IIS is running multiple app pools so the PID of the specific w3wp must be passed in to collect data on the right one. I want to start a capture, collect data for a minute, and then stop and save a snapshot.
What if I want to use the new feature to attach to a running process?
Hello Alec,
/showcontroller option doesn't mean you can't profile without it. It was added in case someone wants to launch profiling from command line, but then deal with UI.
About attach: unfortunately I don't think it's possible now - because of PIDs, same as you mention about IIS.
But - about IIS: you can use profile it with ".NET Process" mode.
It seems like this is almost there and just a little more work would make this feature very usable and powerful. Any chance on it getting some more attention for a future version?
Definitely yes! I've put the requests to product backlog. Thanks for feedback!