How to locate a type or function in dotpeek from command line

When I type "dotpeek /?" I got following command line usages:


/help - show this help
/register - integrate dotPeek with Windows Explorer
/unregister - remove Windows Explorer integration
/quiet - don't show message box after register/unregister actions
/nosplash - don't show splash screen
/separate - always open assemblies in new dotPeek instance
/select=XmlDocId - select XmlDocId element in Assembly Explorer (search across all loaded assemblies)
/select=FQN - select type specified by full name FQN in Assembly Explorer (search across all loaded assemblies)
/select=AssemblyPath!XmlDocId - select XmlDocId element in Assembly Explorer under AssemblyPath assembly
/select=AssemblyPath!FQN - select type specified by full name FQN in Assembly Explorer under AssemblyPath assembly


However, it doesn't seem to work when I used following command line to locate a type:

"/select=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\PowerShell\ServiceManagement\Azure\Services\Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Profile.dll!Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.Profile.SetAzureSubscriptionCommand"




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