feature suggestion: filter out projects

I'm not sure if this is the right place to suggest this.

I started using dotCover today and it seems like it will be really great. One thing i noticed though was that there is no way to filter out projects from the coverage report.

The reason this would be good is because it always shows my unit test project (the project with the actual tests in it) in the list, (usually at the start because it is 100%) however i don't actually care about the coverage for this project.

This becomes worse when there is a lot of unit test projects in the solution.


Permanently deleted user

Definitely, this is very much needed.

I have created a feature request in the tracker: http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/DCVR-238

Permanently deleted user

+1 on that.


Hi all,

That is in fact on the list of feature we will be providing.

Thanks for the feedback, and please, keep it coming!

Hadi Hariri
Technical Evangelist
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
http://www.jetbrains.com | http://hadihariri.com | http://twitter.com/hhariri


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