Feature Request: Exclude code from coverage
I have some tool-generated code in my solution that I would like to exclude from coverage.
Ideally, I would like to be able to do it through an attribute. e.g.:
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
public class ExcludeFromCoverageAttribute : Attribute
public ExcludeFromCoverageAttribute(string reason)
[ExcludeFromCoverage("This code is tool-generated")]
[System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("Tool", "")]
public class MyClass
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I second that and also have a variation.
I like to thrown an exception from my switch statement's default label to notify me early of an error in my code. For example:
enum ItemStatus { Open, Closed };
case ItemStatus.Open:
... do something for open status
case ItemStatus.Closed:
... do something fo closed status
throw new Excpetion("Unknown Status: " + item.Status);
If everything works as it's supposed to, the throw in the default case is never executed and in fact, can never execute as long as Open and Closed are the only two values. My switch is meant to notify me of a bug in my code in the case that I later add another member to ItemStatus but forget to add a corresponding case to my switch statement. It would be great to be able to do something like this so that the intentionally dead default case doesn't negatively impact my coverage statistics:
// dotCover disable coverage
throw new Excpetion("Unknown Status: " + item.Status);
// dotCover restore coverage
This could also be used in circumstances like this:
case ... :
//dotCover disable coverage
//dotCover restore coverage
Hi David,
Couple of points:
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
// this will compile
// and this
// and so will this - note the cast
MyMethod( (ItemStatus)42 ); // this will throw an exception at runtime, just as you wanted
private void MyMethod(ItemStatus status)
case ItemStatus.Open:
case ItemStatus.Closed:
throw new Exception("Unknown Status: " + status);
public enum ItemStatus { Open, Closed }
Sure, casting some int to ItemStatus would work, however, my tests are more or less integration tests and the switch block I was examing when this idea popped into my head is about 50 calls up the call stack, making that really difficult to do. I simpler scenarious, I would not hesitate to do that.
On the same way, I have this example :
As define in attribute, test should fire an exception. So, "End sub" is never reach. and code coverage give me a coverage of 75% of my test code.
I use this information to be sure that my UnitTest have not unnecessary code.