help with dot cover crash when trying coverage on .net 4?

I'm attempting to evaluate dotcover for use with our application.

When I try to run dot cover on one of our unit test projects the application crashes with the following error.

Method not found: 'Void System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute.JetBrains_Profiler_Core_Instrumentation_Begin(UIntPtr ByRef)'.

I'm running VS2010 on win7 (32 bit), and the unit test project is a .net 4 project.

Not sure where to go from here as I have tried two different projects and both of them have this error.  In both projects the unit tests run in the test runner, and the unit test exe runs standalone as well.

Permanently deleted user

NOTE: I tried this with a .NET 3.5 project and dot cover worked for it, so I think the problem is it doesn't support .net 4.  Is that a known requirement?  That we have to run .net 3.5 or less?


Dear Mike,

Could you send me core logs and mscorlib.dll (%WinDir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.XXX\mscorlib.dll) from your computer?

To enable core log you need to do the following:
1. Clean your temp folder - remove all files and folders
2. Before running coverage analysis of tests press Ctrl and keep holding it until coverage configuration window is displayed after you start coverage.
3. In Coverage Configuration window press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F11 to enable expert options.
4. Click "Expert Options" button, check "Enable logs" and select following log flags: Api, MetadataGt, PdbGt, InstrumentationGt.
5. Click "OK" twice. That's it.

Log files will be created in %temp%\JetLogs. Please zip them and send to me mikhail ]dot[ pilin ]at[ jetbrains ]dot[ com.

WBR, Mikhail Pilin

Permanently deleted user

Logs and mscorlib have been emailed to you.


Dear Mike,

I've checked core log files and there is no core error at all. Could you please describe this issue in details. May be you can send us the screenshot of it? Could you send me %temp%\lgc*.tmp files if there're any? May you send us short repro solution?

WBR, Mikhail Pilin

Permanently deleted user

The error message is listed in my initial post on this thread.

I don't have time to create a repo solution at this time.  If I have some time I will try to create one and send it to you.

Thanks for the assistance.


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