Exact steps required to enable highlighting needed! (or bug workaround)
My submitted bug (DCVR-2428) doesn't seem to be going anywhere - so maybe this is just a setting issue?
Sometimes (more often than not) dotCover does not highlight *anything* (it is either all it should - or none at all). The coverage results (%, blocks, etc) are all valid - but the highlighting is completely missing.
WHAT exactly needs to be verified as enabled for one to expect dotCover to actually work? (I mean besides the obvious code-highlighting button OF dotCover).
Thanks for ANY input -> dotCover is COMPLETELY unusable for me until this works (as it is still doing this for about a week -> and no, nothing new installed).
Other info:
I'm using Windows 7 - 64bit machine.JetBrains ReSharper 5.1 C# Edition
Build 5.1.1753.4 on 2010-10-15T15:51:30
Plugins: 1
JetBrains dotCover 1.0.1 Full Edition Pre-Release
Build on 2010-12-12T18:37:48
Visual Studio 10.0.30319.1.
JetBrains dotTrace Performance 4.0 Professional Edition
Build 4.0.649.46 on 2010-09-14T23:17:50
Visual Studio 10.0.30319.1.
Build 5.1.1753.4 on 2010-10-15T15:51:30
Plugins: 1
- 1. “StyleCop for ReSharper 5.1” v5.1.14810.3 by “StyleCop for ReSharper Development Team - http://StyleCop.ForReSharper.org”
JetBrains dotCover 1.0.1 Full Edition Pre-Release
Build on 2010-12-12T18:37:48
Visual Studio 10.0.30319.1.
JetBrains dotTrace Performance 4.0 Professional Edition
Build 4.0.649.46 on 2010-09-14T23:17:50
Visual Studio 10.0.30319.1.
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Hello Jim,
Do you obtain and work with coverage snapshot on the same machine?
Also please try our dotCover 1.1 EAP version:
Does the issue still reproduces?