How to generate HTML reports Permanently deleted user Created March 09, 2011 07:21 hii am able to generate XML reports through Console Runner of DotcoverPlease tell me a way for generating HTML reports through Console Runner
Hello Lokesh,
Assuming you have dotCover 1.1 EAP,
you just need to specify <ReportType>HTML</ReportType> in your ReportParams.
just downloaded the 1.1 version
my Output.xml looks like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<CoverageResult xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
i mean there are two snapshots
while i am using
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
i am not getting the full results in the html file
PLz find the file attached
html file is not coming correctly
there is some blank space on the right and
the categorys i have boxed in blue are children of same parent, they shown wrongly
Hello Lokesh,
In your case before generating report you should merge results of coverage session (console runner "merge" command)
Or alternatively you can call "analyse" command which is a shortcut for "cover", "merge" and "report" commands.
Could you please tell what is your web-browser version?
hi.. i have tried it to open in IE 8 but it takes lot of time..
so i am opening it in Chrome
and this time i have used the anaylse option and set the ReportType Tag to HTML...
but resutls hav been similar....
Could you please specify your configuration xml file, console command you use for starting coverage and console output you get?
hi i am running the msbuild runner through teamcity the Final log is as follows :
Following is the Msbuild Target used :
<DotCoverPath>C:\Program Files\JetBrains\dotCover\v1.1</DotCoverPath>
<AnalyseFile>C:\CI Build\Products\transactionSHUTTLE\Code\analyse.xml</AnalyseFile>
<OutputXmlPath>C:\CI Build\Products\transactionSHUTTLE\Code\Output.xml</OutputXmlPath>
<Exec Command=""$(DotCoverPath)\Bin\dotCover.exe" a "$(AnalyseFile)"" ContinueOnError="true"></Exec>
<Message Text="##teamcity[importData type='dotNetCoverage' tool='dotcover' path='$(OutputXmlPath)']"></Message>
Following is the Analyse.xml :
<Executable>C:\Program Files\Gallio\bin\Gallio.Echo.exe</Executable>
<Arguments>"C:\CI Build\Products\transactionSHUTTLE\Code\ShuttleEngine.Test\bin\Debug\ShuttleEngine.Test.dll"</Arguments>
<WorkingDir>C:\CI Build\Products\transactionSHUTTLE\Code\ShuttleEngine.Test\bin\Debug</WorkingDir>
<Output>C:\CI Build\Products\transactionSHUTTLE\Code\Output.html</Output>
From the above configuration xml file, i get the html as i had attached before... the hierarchy is correct if report type is XML