Coverage not showing for required projects


we have a sharepoint projects
We created a common test project for about 3-4 projects - (all are as project refrences)
So we are getting all the required DLLs/PDBs in the bin of test project

I am using Gallio for running the tests, the tests are getting excuted correctly

We are getting coverage for the test project only and not the required projects

We use dotcover for several other applications but we have no got this issue as they were simple client applications

We dotcover version - dotCoverConsoleRunner.

1 comment

Hello Chittoori,
Here is a list of things to check for this issue:
- state of the 'match with current project structure' option (if you view the results in VS)
- presence of pdbs for assemblies being tested
- state of coverage filters
And one minor remark: Gallio and MbUnit are not yet fully supported, so there still could be some possible integration problems.


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