Bamboo Plugin
I am attempting to integrate dotcover with my bamboo, continuous build system but have not found a bamboo plugin for dot cover. I was curious if anyone has attemped to do this before or if anyone has tried to convert the dotcover xml build report into an ncover, clover, emma or Cobertura for which there area established plugins. Thanks for any help.
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Hello Scott,
Currently such kind of integration doesn't exist.
We have this feature in our backlog.
I've linked this thread to the issue, so we can inform you about the updates.
Did you find a way to integrate dotcover into bamboo?
I want to do integrate out build server with dotcover analysis
Hi Sridhar,
For now there are no updates about this feature.
You are welcome to vote and track its status in our tracker:
Anyone know of a resource to convert dotcovers output options to the format of any supported by bamboo and sonar yet. I have searched and searched but it's starting to look like I will have to use an alternate tool?
Hi Chris,
I wasn't able to find such converters too. But dotCover can export coverage report to XML format. So you can convert it to any other format known by bamboo. For example via XSLT. Here is a link to a similar problem: converting opencover xml to ncover