PDB server wasn't started

I'm getting "Coverage session finished with errors: Can't initialize profiler. See below for more details: PDB server wasn't started.", there's dotCover, NUnit running in TeamCity. It seems very much like https://devnet.jetbrains.com/thread/439268 except we do use version Is there a workaround/fix, something I can try or more info to provide?


12:44:33 PM.854: Thread:13: Starting process '---\JetBrains.Profiler.CorePdbServer.x64.exe' {8dd99e08-8581-4399-9b75-d2da941de1f6}
12:44:33 PM.860: Thread:13: @[BaseHost] PdbServer Started pid=18344 id='{8dd99e08-8581-4399-9b75-d2da941de1f6}'
12:44:34 PM.870: Thread:8: process [18344] 'JetBrains.Profiler.CorePdbServer.x64' has exited with code 1


Hi Jiří,

Could you please provide some additional details:
- TeamCity version
- do you use embedded dotCover or "external" copy?
- is dotCover started by TeamCity or you are using some custom script?

dotCover log file will also be helpful.
In case of embedded version you can configure it via TeamCity:
In case of custom script just add the following parameter to the dotCover command line:


Thank you for response

1) 8.1.2 (build 29993)
2) I'm not sure, but would guess external
3) Using custom script like
dotCover.exe cover /TargetExecutable=###/Nunit.Runners/tools/nunit-console-x86.exe /Output=test.dcvr /TargetArguments=###/Debug/###.Web.Tests.dll /LogFile=C:\Src\dotcover.log

Attached a log


Thank you for the info!

Next things to check:
- console runner package is consistent
- PDB server has enough permissions to start

You can check this by manually running JetBrains.Profiler.CorePdbServer.x64.exe (or x86) from console with one arbitrary string as an argument.
In case of errors there should be a corresponding message.


It says SysSrv wasn't found and loaded ... though I do have x64 SysSrv.dll in the same folder as dotcover.exe and current directory, added it into system32/syswow64 as well

Anyway, I've tried v2.6 and it works, maybe the nuget package we have here is wrong, not sure


SymSrv.dll is expected to be not in the same folder as dotCover.exe, but rather in x86/x64 subfolders.
Could you please tell where did you get that nuget package from? Or was it handmade locally?
Here is a zip with the exactly the same version:
You can use it as a sample of the expected content.


Yes, this seems to be in line with what I'm seeing here. It's likely that packages was handmade here, your 2.7 has the same structure as our 2.6 but our 2.7 has different structure (x86/64 are one level above), so I assume that would be the case.
Thank you for help!


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