Add Digital Signature

Could you please digitally sign your files? Is never a comfortable feeling to download and execute files that are not digitally signed, even if the files are early previews they should be digitally singed.



We plan to sign dotPeek installer (msi) as soon as it'll be ready.

Permanently deleted user

That’s good, but the whole point of a digital signature is to minimize the risk from downloading a file from jetbrains that may have been tampered with. How does singing just the release files protect the preview ones?

I would imagine that the process of compiling dotpeek could be easily automated to also include digitally signing the files so no extra effort would be required every time a release is made (even preview release).

Ultimately is up to you guys as of what you want to do, but if you ask me, releasing unsigned files could be interpreted a lack of interest by jetbrains to do the right thing (even if the product is free), and that is never a good thing.



I meant signing installer for preview releases too as soon as installer will be here.
We'll think about signing executables too.


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