not working in Linux for dll.
I have used the command for executing a dll using DotCover using the following command in windows.
dotcover dotnet --StartInstance=1 --output=WebAppDLL.html --ReportType=HTML -- exec “pathToDll”
I am trying the same in Linux using after downloading command line installer for linux-x64
./ dotnet --StartInstance=1 --output=WebAppDLL.html --ReportType=HTML -- exec pathto.dll
But it gives me error.
The command could not be loaded, possibly because:
* You intended to execute a .NET application:
The application '/opt/jetbrains/dotCover.dll' does not exist.
* You intended to execute a .NET SDK command:
No .NET SDKs were found.
Download a .NET SDK:
Learn about SDK resolution:
[JetBrains dotCover] Coverage instance exited with exit code: 145
Can someone please help me regarding this?
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It looks like the SDK is not installed in this case. Please try to launch your app from the command line without dotCover first.
Thank you!
We've reproduced the issue and filled a ticket in YouTrack:
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