Unable to import .net 7 Azure Web App dump into DotMemory
I am using a premium linux app service plan in Azure. I took a memory dump and attempted to load it into dotMemory and received the following error:
I find it hard to believe there's a compatibility issue here. Does anyone know why we’re seeing [CLR#1 Core 0.0]? I'm assuming it's simply throwing the error because it thinks the dotnet version is 0 for some reason.
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Could you please provide us with additional info?
First of all, please collect dotMemory logs:
Could you please also install dotnet-dump and dotnet-symbol utility to the same machine where you run dotMemory and perform these commands:
dotnet-symbol <Path to .dmp>
dotnet-dump analyze <Path to .dmp>
dumpheap -stat
dumpheap -stat
command return any result? If any error occurs, could you please send error text?Hey, I have the exact same problem with a dump collected using dotnet-dump running in a linux environment.
when i run dotnet-dump analyze on my windows workstation, and dumpheap -stat it works as expected.
I uploaded my logs
Upload id: 2023_10_26_e23ANmwmpfre5Wbz6VFTQN (file: JetBrainsLog.JetBrains.2023-10-26T10-56-56.dotMemory_UI_64.zip)
Do you use proxy to connect to the internet on this computer?
On my laptop (which i ran dotMemory on) my traffic is routed through an anti-virus esque security agent, so yes technically.
The server, from where I got the dump, no.
I can reupload from a machine without the “proxy” if needed
Could you please try to do this? We have some assumptions that the issue could be related to proxy.
I tried it on 3 different machines now.
2 of them without the “proxy”/anti-virus, it worked perfectly
- Upload id: 2023_10_27_XGGtf19s3KaDVkRWRvzPPY (file: JetLogs_1.zip)
- Upload id: 2023_10_27_JcuStw7BZE3ahCvUwqD6kv (file: JetLogs.zip)
the 1 with the proxy did get this error.
So I agree, it seems likely that's the issue
Thank you for information.
We're working on a fix.