dotMemory fails to profile
Hi, I recently purchased dotUltimate in hopes to switch from VS to Rider/dotMemory/dotTrace although there seems to be an issue with dotMemory I'm trying to resolve with my .net framework 4.8 application.
Upload ID: 2023_09_07_wE564wAeFRd2PgzUv8tcon
OS Name: Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
OS Version: 10.0.22621 N/A Build 22621
dotMemory: 2023.2.1
Rider: 2023.2.1
Visual Studio: Professional / 2022 / 17.6.1
[Attempt 1]
Launch “Profile with Memory (Sampled allocations)” in Rider, my application is never launched and profiling window appears to stop immediately without showing any profiling data.
[Attempt 2]
Launch dotMemory standalone (dotMemory.UI.64.exe /LogLevel=Trace), add a run configuration that points to my application, then press start. A dotMemory NotSupportedException window appears and my application is not started and no profiling data is shown.
[Attempt 3]
Launch dotMemory standalone (dotMemory.UI.64.exe /LogLevel=Trace), launch my application, select my application from the list of running processes in dotMemory. The profiling starts and the graph progresses as normal, once I click my application to activate the window then my application is closed and the profiling is stopped.
[Attempt 4]
Open my solution with Visual Studio > Extensions > Resharper > Run startup project memory profiling, which opens the “Profile Startup Project” application, I press Start, dotMemory standalone starts up, my application starts up and profiling works as expected regardless of where I click or which windows are activated.
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Please open
Help | Collect logs
in Rider and attach created archive. Also could you please record a screencast if it is possible?If profiling starts properly from Visual Studio as "Run startup project" and does not start when using a manually created configuration, it is likely that the configuration in dotMemory is different from the "Run startup project" configuration. Could you please compare all the fields and find out if there is a difference or not? Please correct dotMemory run configuration if you find any difference. If it doesn't help, please collect dotMemory logs when it is started from Visual Studio:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Professional\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" /ReSharper.LogLevel Trace
We need to find out the reason for the failure in these cases. The problem is most likely the same. Please configure your system as follows:
in the root of the disk with full access for everybody in system. Make sure that this disk has a free memory enough for the dump creation.C:\Program Files
procdump.exe -ma -i <disk>:\CrashDumps
dotMemory.UI.64.exe /LogLevel=Trace
folder.Windows logs | Application
section (they must be here now after clearing AeDebug in the registry). Make a screenshot or copy information if any error exists.Rollback dumps creating:
procdump.exe -u
Thank you in advance.
I have followed your debug steps and the information requested can be found at the upload ID below.
Upload id: 2023_09_11_NJyKponX3yHgKB8ZC1JoPH (file:
Thank you for the information.
All issues in different products relate to the one thing. Your application stops working due to unknown reason.
Could you please collect profiler core logs, probably we can detect what happens here. Please follow these steps:
dotMemory.UI.64.exe /LogLevel=Trace
value to the "Log mask" field or check manually these flags: Com, Api, Bridge, Snapshot, MetaDataGt, GcCb.lgc.*.tmp
files. Copy them and send to us if any exists. The %temp% folder must be owned by the user under which your application is running.Thank you in advance.
Hi, I've gone through the steps outlined above, and unfortunately there were no logs named lgc.*.tmp in the %temp% folder. I have attached the JetLogs.
Upload id: 2023_09_14_4UM9JxrPK87A4BtMsA3K45 (file:
Probably you have some issues with corrupted .NET libraries on your computer.
Please try to repair your .NET Framework version or install the latest changes for your .NET Framework version if they aren't installed:
You can also use repair tool for .NET Framework repairing:
That didn't seem to work. It's difficult to accept it's a PC environment problem when I can memory profile an application when launched from Visual Studio, but not from standalone or Rider. In any case I appreciate the effort.
Is this problem only reproducible on one specific PC? Could you please try to profile your application on any other machine?