Incomplete coverage for API + DB application
We have an application that uses middle tier to talk to a database. the test is actually aimed at validating the API method GetOrders()
If I set breakpoints and work in debug mode I see execution go through the API, to the DB, and back.
The coverage report though shows ZERO code exercised in the API and whatever the proper percentage for the DB code.
Is this a bug or a configuration someplace?
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I've got the same problem with a project. First coverage worked, but after some renaming/refactoring I always get 0%, although the code is executed and I can step into as described above. It looks like the test project is filtered out from the results..
VS 15.4.1, ReSharper Ultimate 2017.2.2
could you please send us core logs? To obtain them from Visual Studio:
1) Cover unit-tests while holding ctrl+shift+alt
2) Coverage Configuration window will appear. Press ctrl+shift+alt+F11
3) Expert options window will appear. Check "Enable logs", then Api,MetaDataGt, PdbGt and InstrumentationGt
4) Save and run
Logs will be saved to %TEMP%\JetLogs
And also please disable ReSharper->Options->dotCover->General->Use preloaded Unit Test runners before running tests
Log is ready. How can I send it (only pictures are allowed here)?
When I first disabled the option "use preloaded..." I got the coverage. After enabling and disabling it again I don't get the coverage anymore..
Please send it to support request I have just created.
Ms, I've checked logs. Could you please update to the latest version(2017.3)?
It's working now!