dotCover does not accept NUnit --test-name-format parameter
We run TeamCity with dotCover for our solution. Recently we wanted to change the name format of our unit tests. In NUnit 3, there is command line parameter for that: --test-name-format.
When I do locally
nunit3-console.exe "%SlnFile%" --test-name-format={m}{a}_{i}
It works fine.
But when we add dotCover in the loop, it does not accept the braces in parameters and we get "Unhandled exception: Input string was not in the correct format"
This parameter works perfectly if we don't mention braces but it's the only way we have to specify format arguments, according to NUnit doc:
Is there any way to avoid getting this exception, and make the NUnit parameter work?
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Hello Martin,
sorry for a late response.
This is indeed a bug. I've created a corresponding issue