Highlighting significantly degrades editor performance
When I enable coverage highlighting, the entire editor's performance degrades significantly. This is most noticeable when scrolling, as the window feels like it is lagging behind the mouse wheel. As it is, I cannot consider dotCover as a replacement for NCrunch simply because enabling highlighting renders visual studio unusable. When I disable highlighting, or open a non-C# file, performance returns to normal. For comparison, enabling continuous testing has no noticeable performance impact at all.
I am running in VS2017, with quite a powerful machine (i7 EE, 16GB, SSD).
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Hello Thomas,
Could you please create a Timeline snapshot of this issue with dotTrace (https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/ReSharper/ReSharper+Profiling+Instructions#ReSharperProfilingInstructions-StandalonedotTraceprofiler) and upload it to ftp://ftp.intellij.net/.uploads/ (https://uploads.jetbrains.com/). You may install dotTrace using the same ReSharper Ultimate installer you were using to install ReSharper.