How can I remove those retentions?
I've a WPF application that uses Catel as MVVM Framework. I've seen that a viewmodel doesn't get collected since it has 2 references to a CanExecuteChanged EventHandler I don't expose myself
Those commands are added via behavior to a grid in order to perform action on context menu and the code I use is
protected virtual IEnumerable<RadMenuItem> GetRowMenuItems(RadContextMenu contextMenu)
var rowItems = new List<RadMenuItem>();
RadMenuItem saveSettings = new RadMenuItem
Tag = "force",
Header = CoreResources.LBL_SAVE_SETTINGS,
Command = DefaultRtViewContextMenuCommands.SaveLayoutDataCommand,
CommandParameter = AssociatedObject,
Icon = new Image { Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/IF.Tesoreria.Client.WPF.Core;component/Media/save.png")) }
RadMenuItem loadSettings = new RadMenuItem
Tag = "force",
Header = CoreResources.LBL_LOAD_SETTINGS,
Command = DefaultRtViewContextMenuCommands.LoadLayoutDataCommand,
CommandParameter = AssociatedObject,
Icon = new Image { Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/IF.Tesoreria.Client.WPF.Core;component/Media/load.png")) }
Why this cause a leak?
Thanks in advance
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Hi Paolo,
There is not enough information to determine exactly why this issue occurs.
Probably it can be related to listener which are never unsubscribed from the event:
Also please read this answer, it can help in your case:
Pay your attention on INotifyPropertyChanged implementation in your view model (it's also described in answer I mentioned above).
If these suggestions don't help you, could you please provide us solution sample? You can upload it to our FTP server: (anonymous login, .uploads directory has no permissions to list/download files, only for upload, so other users will not be able to download your files).
I've created a sample project
If you comment inside the TextBoxBehavior.cs file
private void OnMenuItemLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var contextMenu2 = new RadContextMenu();
var items = GetRowMenuItems();
contextMenu2.ItemsSource = items; //<-------this (line #40)
RadContextMenu.SetContextMenu(AssociatedObject, contextMenu2);
catch (Exception exception)
you'll get no more memory leak.
Excuse me , I've got no feedback about this....any suggestion?
Sorry for delay. We need some time to explore your solution. We'll give you an answer as soon as possible.
The issue occurs in the Telerik's RadMenuItem control.
It doesn't unsubscribe from Command.CanExecuteChanged.
As the simplest workaround please try the following code:
public class RadMenuItem2 : RadMenuItem
public RadMenuItem2()
Unloaded += delegate { SetValue(CommandProperty, null); };
But for production usage please contact Telerik for a better fix.
Besides that, change List<RadMenuItem> to ObservableCollection<RadMenuItem> in TextBoxBehavior.GetRowMenuItems() in your sample app. List doesn't implement INotifyPropertyChanged and it causes another leak.
I've forwarded your analisys to Telerik , give you a feedback as soon as I'll have one,